Archive for Lip Stretching

Stretching Your Lip

Posted in Stretching with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 27, 2009 by Roger Adams

If you’ve watched my videos at all, you will know I have a stretched Labret. Mine sits at around 00g, which is about 10mm.

Stretching a labret, is a little bit more involved than stretching an ear. It is alot more taboo, it is alot more in your face (if you excuse the pun). So certainly making sure it is what you want before setting off will leave you in a good frame.

So, how do you do it? Well, its not like you can walk around with a taper hanging out of your mouth is it? So, its almost the same in certain traditions, but you have to edit the rules slightly.

I started by getting mine pierced straight to an 8g. Hurt like hell, made my toes curl, but it eliminated the original and first stage shitty stretches. You can also get it scalpelled,  pierced and stretched, or dermal punched. Scalpelling is good, if you want to get a big size instantly, but obviously you’ve got the pain threshold thing again. Pierced and stretched is what I got, and as I said it was pretty painful, dermal punching is normally for cartilidge piercings, and the best way to think of it is, its a surgical hole punch. Does exactly what it needs to, and it’ll put a hole instantly through your lip, or any part it touches.

Right, so you have your lovely freshly pierced hole, how long do you wait? Lips are a little bit different, they’re used ALL the time, every day, even when you’re asleep. I waited nearly 8mths before stretching mine, but I have to say, when I did do the initial stretch, it was incredibly easy. I’d say if you went with the more permanent options of punching and scalpel, then i’d wait nearly a year as the healing times is so much more due to the ferocity of the method used.

So, HOW do you stretch a lip piercing? I assume this works on Medusa (philtrums), Snakebites, cheeks etc..

Say you’re starting at your baby sizes of 14,16,12g then the best method I can recommend, is pull on them. Sounds crazy huh? But honestly, wear horseshoe style rings, or Ball Closure Rings, and pull at them. This will eventually start making the lip loosen up. Don’t buy externally threaded jewellery when stretching lips, as it can tear the hole, and having a swollen lip with piercings in it is uncomfortable as hell. Internally threaded jewellery is more expensive but much much better for the release of your piercing.

When I stretched my snakebites (R.I.P) I went from 1.6mm to 2mm fairly easily. Same from 2mm > 2.4mm was easy enough. But that initial stretch to 3.0mm was hard. As it went from being a .4mm stretch, to a .6mm stretch. Doesn’t sound like alot, but when you think of the increase of the hole in % its huge. Its nearly a 35% increase in the diameter of the hole. The method I used was dead stretching, which again if you go back to the first post, is the use of jewellery to increase the size of the diameter, basically pushing through bigger jewellery. You can get labret studs upto about 8g I believe. And then you may have to goto glass, or septum bullets. I’ll post images below of appropriate lip related jewellery.

I hope this information helped a bit!

And finally