Information contained..

Posted in Uncategorized on February 23, 2014 by Roger Adams


I had a comment recently, and I felt I should reply out loud.

The advice I give on this site, is only from my experience. I am not a piercer, I am not a body modification expert, all the information I know, is information that was passed down, and helped me with my stretched ears, cartilidge, and stretched labret.

If you’re ever in doubt, please always go and see the person who pierced you, or anyone for that matter in the industry, they’ll always gladly help you with any problems you’ve had, and will give you any pointers should you be going wrong.

My advice is mine, and mine only, I can only give it to you, to do as you wish, you’re of legal age to get pierced, so I expect you to take everything with a pinch of salt, and if I can offer my advice, please always follow it up with a professional.


Puss, problems, lumps, bumps.. Stretched ears, don’t you love ’em?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on February 19, 2014 by Roger Adams

Noticing the trend through my recent search history, I thought I’d put up a relevant page to help some people with their rancid sounding stretched ear problems. I’ll run through a different section for other things.

Ear not right, bleeding, puss, itchy, sore, or red? 

Generally what I could recommend having a look at, is why is it doing this? Did you recently stretch, change jewellery, get your hair caught? There are so many afflictions your stretched ears can suffer it’s unbelievable. My stretched ears used to flare up for many a reason, and I myself have had an ear that has smelt really bad, and sometimes when you’re not always able to be so hygienic have suffered issues with them before.

How can you prevent it?

Well, washing them twice a day, and taking them out during showers is always helpful. Obviously general shampoo is enough, I wouldn’t go out of your way and brush, and scrub your ears, it’ll only affect them. Make sure that you’re using good quality and natural shampoo, if not, then using unscented soap is always good, try and be unscented. If you find your ears are reacting to it, then stop. Also, be careful taking jewellery out, if you’ve got expensive plugs, take them out BEFORE getting in the shower then that way you’ll be able to prevent expensive problems down the line. Once you’re out the bath, or shower, your ears will be lovely and red, and looking fine, now’s the time for the preparation.

Out of the bathing equipment you fancy, your naked ears will be hanging looking lovely, take some unscented vitamin e OIL, not cream, oil, and apply generously, and almost massage it in, I recommend Jojoba for vegans, and emu oil for non-vegans, they are both high quantity vitamin E. Massage it in, give it a good old rub in, and then slide your jewellery in, your ears should look great and feel better.

I generally tended to do this first thing in the morning, if I had a shower, and then before bed, it just helps keep the blood circulating and keeps your lobes nice, thick, healthy and in good condition.


Basically, I’d leave off of the oils for a while, as it’s just another thing to complicate ears when you’re trying to heal them. If your ears are big enough, take a shot glass, or a small whiskey glass, fill it up with freshly boiled water from the kettle (not hot tap water), add some sea salt to it, either in crystal form, or powder, let it rest in the water occasionally stirring, also, let the water cool down a bit. 

After it’s cool down, dip your ear in, if you can, if not, cotton bud (q-tip), and slightly go round the ear, don’t press too heavily, and clean the wound if it has done, or the cut, just take it nice and easy. Let it soak in, the do it again, sometimes, it’s helpful to do this with the jewellery as well, that way it lets it soak in, and clean, don’t do this to wood plugs though.


If you’ve got keloids, I’d recommend using tea tree oil, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, dilute it with some saline (salt water) solution, other wise it burns, and can lead to other problems. Once you’ve done that, if you keep it up, it’ll eventually go down, and could disappear!

Any more information, comment, email, lemme know! Thanks!

Places to buy plugs, custom jewellery and custom pieces..

Posted in Ears, Site Updates, Stretching with tags , , on February 14, 2014 by Roger Adams

One question that rears its head all the time, is “where to buy plugs?”. Well, in 2014, the internet has amassed a massive generation of plug makers, and handy people to know, who make everything from non-adhesive inlayed jewellery, to stone, to acrylic custom plugs with your images, or popular images. I’m going to include some of my favourite companies, these are all UK based, and I’ll include some US ones in the bottom.

Sickest plugs on the web!

Sickest plugs on the web! is created by an awesome lady called Tori, who has some fantastic Acrylic, Steel, Wood and stretching equipment. Some of my personal favourite plugs of hers, are the Snow Globes, glow in the dark plugs and the storm trooper plugs. Visit her page, and give her a like on Facebook.

Southshore Adornments


Andy over at Southshore Adornments makes all sorts of custom sexiness, from labrets, custom conch pieces, plugs, in all shapes, sizes materials and god knows what else. He also makes super obscure one off pieces, he’s totally lovely, totally helpful, and he will help you pick the correct jewellery you want!

One of the more mainstream websites, but certainly helpful for handy for little things like BCRs, stretching crescents, and everything in between, personally, I’ve never used them, but I heard good things about their speedy postage, and general good customer services.

If anyone has any recommendations for US based ones, please give me a shout below in the comments, all of these people ship internationally that I am aware of, but message them first to confirm this!

Stretching your ears, Stretching your labret… Also, where have I been?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 13, 2014 by Roger Adams


So, I’ve not posted for a while, and I’ve decided to re-instate this page, and try give people some help with their piercings. My YouTube page is still active, I mainly upload videos of me talking, and ranting about the world. So, you may enjoy it.

In the time I’ve been gone, I’ve had my ears stitched, continued to stretch my labret which is sitting at 17mm now and had a few more tattoos. 

I hope everyone is still stretching their ears in a sensible manner, and please if you have any questions hit me up in the comments.


Questions, and General Information..

Posted in Stretching with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2009 by Roger Adams

So, it seems I still get millions of emails and questions despite the fact I direct them to this site, kinda annoying huh? So I am gonna create a hugeeee stock pile of questions, and information. I’m not gonna go through it by size of ear, so just attach your size of ear to the question and it should apply.

I’m also gonna run into looking after your ears, as where I live it is cold, and some peoples ears (including mine) act horribly during the winter. So, please refer to this page before emailing me, and I may love you forever.

So, things that will be covered, Blow outs, tears, rips, swollen, puss, blood, downsizing, thickening up, stretching, tape, teflon, bondage, and jewellery. All very summarized, but will go into more detail down below! Lets begin.


Q: My ears are thin, what can I do?

A: Downsize, is generally the first point of conversation. A lot of people hate downsizing, because its going backwards. Well, to be honest, it’s not generally for long, and the re-stretch is 10x easier! If my ears are looking a bit thin, generally what I do, is take them down 2 sometimes 4 sizes, and do vitamin e rubs. They’ll be loose for a few days but they’ll tighten around the jewellery, then when it comes to re-stretching, your ears will be full of blood and new cells will be developed for the re-stretch! Some people I know at much bigger sizes say that down sizing is the reason they got to the size they got to. I always downsize when I can, but not normally during winter as the ears are under a lot of stress.

Q: My ear is bleeding / pussing / oozing.. HELP..

A: Well, anything bleeding, pussing, or oozing is never a good sign. I’ve seen some peoples ears, where they have thick green stuff coming out of it, I’ve seen purple ears, blue ears, yellow ears, ears which are so crusted, when you took out the jewellery there was still a perfect circle formation!  So, what can you do? Well, firstly, as per usual downsize. But first you have to clean thoroughly your ear. Saline solution (either pre-bought (contact lens cleaner is amazing, as its distilled water, and salt)) which is 1 part salt to about 250ml water, and clean the ear. Maybe take a shower with the jewellery out, as that’ll soften to ear up a bit not to mention cleaning it too, but please don’t “wash” the ear with body wash. Make sure your hands are clean, if possible, wear gloves, not always an option but make sure your hands are at least clean. Using a cotton bud (Q-Tip to our American counterparts) and rub slightly across the ear infection, and make sure its clean. Sometimes removing crusties will cause the ear to bleed, sometimes what I do in this situation is dip the cotton bud (fresh one) into saline, and leave it on, so as to not be abrasive with the actual wound.

Once thats all done, stick in the downsized jewellery and keep an eye on it. Honestly you’ll find within a few days the swelling will go down and the ear will almost be 100%. I say give it a week to 10 days and the ear will be ready for stretching!

Q: I can’t find jewellery.. Where do you get yours?

A: Lots of places, but in 3″ its a lot harder than people who are smaller than 2″. One of my favourite and most trusted sites is and! Both are amazing sites, and have everything you would need to stretch up to 3″ sometimes depending on their stock levels! There are a few custom jewellery sites, like they do custom pieces up to 4″ which is pretty intense.

Q: Best lubricant to use on ears

A: I use Vitamin E oil, because it massages as well as works as a good lubricant. Never use just water, spit, baby oil or vaseline. Water doesn’t work, and will dry almost instantly. Not to mention it’s not a good lubricant. Don’t spit on your finger and use that to get a plug-in, this isn’t back yard sex. Baby oil, its scented, and just won’t work, especially if your ear tears, you’re talking mega infection. Vaseline is the worst. It’s not water based, it’s almost a paste. It may work, or seem like it works but what you’re doing is setting up a bacteria trap. Use: KY Jelly (embarrassing to buy.. but still), Emu Oil, Bio Oil, Jojoba Oil. Those are the best, and I’ve used all. If you’ve got an infection, use non scented KY Jelly, as its water based, and won’t irritate an infection.

Q: OMGZ You’re a faggot why are you doing this? What you gonna do when you turn 90, you look like a paedophile, etc..etc..

A: Now, there isn’t an insult I haven’t heard. Everything ranging from, “I wouldn’t leave my child with you” to “You are a sadistic freak”.. Now, I’d like to think people could be a little bit more constructive in their feedback, but lately I’m finding on my YouTube videos that this is impossible.

What will I do when I’m 90? Nothing, probably sit there, drool and shit my pants like the rest of the 90 year olds. To be honest, I have a job, I have an education, I have a loving family, what more do I need? Seriously, my parents don’t care, my brothers and sister don’t care, and guess what, I have like 7 nieces and nephews who love their alternative uncle. If you ever decide to have a conversation, you’ll find that I am just like you. I am no more a sadist than the person in the suit next to me. Does it mean I like to have sadistic sex in the blood of an animal? No. People will stare, people will giggle, people will point, people will take pictures. You know what? If I’m that interesting to them to take time out from doing what they do, then let them do it. I’ve had people almost crash cars look at me, I’ve been called everything, I’ve had people start fights because of me, hell my brother has almost smashed someones camera because of me. Stretching your ears takes commitment, and I won’t say that it does come with a price. I’m not going to say it’s not socially acceptable, because I don’t care. But it’s certainly considered deviant. Sometimes, it does get to you, I won’t lie, other times I just laugh at people’s stupidity. But you’ve got to, and you’ve got to have confidence to carry it off. You know what.. If I lost my ears tomorrow, I’d be sad, I’d miss the attention, negative or positive.

I do what I do, because its me. My dad taught me how to do it, and its something I will continue doing until the day I see that it becomes a problem, and no amount of negative feedback or comments will make me take them out, it will be my decision, and MY decision only.

Q: They don’t make tapers in 50mm what do I do?

A: People think I stretched using giant tapers.. Can you imagine the weight of a 60 – 65mm taper, it’d weigh the same as a small bag of sugar!  Taping or dead stretching. Dead stretching is ok, but can cause problems. Forcing jewellery in is never the best idea, thats why I tape. I used to use electrical tape, but I now use Bondage tape! Unfortunately the only place to buy Bondage tape is from Adult shops, so you might as well combine the shop with some KY (all for the ears of course!).. But it comes in awesome colours! Anyway, I would say that 5/6 full wraps, around the jewellery is about a size. So I would start off by adding one, and leaving it a few days even if its still loose, and then adding more to eventually close the gap! When I was stretching to 3″ I had plugs, which were 59mm, but 3″ is 18mm.. So, thats right it had nearly 18mm of tape around the plug. It was uncomfortable, and heavy. But it was cheap and did the job. Buying plugs to dead stretch can sometimes be a waste of money, think about it, you’re sitting at 25mm, you want 28mm, and it pops right in and it’s still loose.. What a waste of time. With tape you can eliminate the need for stupid expenses, and just set yourself goals. Tape your 25mm plug, buy 30mm jewellery, and so on.. Or in my case, tape my 59mm plugs and buy 76mm jewellery, haha..

Q: Weights…

A: Weights are controversial to say the least. I made two videos with weights, purely as a demonstration piece at how big my ears actually were. I haven’t really used weights to stretch much, except in the later sizes. Weights can be helpful, but I don’t think they should be used longterm. I certainly don’t think people should be using things like padlocks either! Weight stretching can cause uneven stretching, and can cause thin ears too. Especially if the weights have a thin hanging point. Because this puts a lot of stress on one part of the ear, and can cause the ear to thin in one point.

People think that by using weights it evens out blow out. Well it doesn’t. If you are going to wear weights, please remember that they are a huge inconvenience in the real world, especially if you have fairly large lobes, the swinging and the dangling, it doesn’t make for turning your head very fun. Not to mention incase anything bad happens, for the paranoid of you. But if you are going to wear weights, please buy weights which have a big surface area, as this will decrease the chances of thinning, and will increase the chances of your ear actually gaining a bit of width with it. Also, using weights doesn’t speed the transition up any more than normal stretching.

Well I hope this helped you lot out there!


Posted in Site Updates with tags , , , , , , , , on December 7, 2009 by Roger Adams

Woop, over 1,000 views! Thanks for the hits guys, hopefully you’ll keep coming back and I can turn this into a huge dedicated page all about stretching piercings and modification!

I uploaded a new video today;

Nothing too new to report, but people seem to live my videos. So, yeah I am hopefully going to expand this site onto a full blown domain, with proper hosting. I won’t mention the URL, as I don’t want anyone to steal it ;). But atleast then I can have a bit of advertising to cover the costs of the pages, unless you guys want to donate 😉



Stretching Septums, and Cartilage.

Posted in Stretching with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 2, 2009 by Roger Adams

Now, I have no experience in stretching cartilage piercings, but I do have some experience with stretching septums. So, most of the cartilage information is stuff i’ve picked up from other tutorials, and friends who have stretched. You may ask why? Well, there isn’t really a definite reason as to WHY you would stretch cartilage piercings, but theres no real reason why you’d stretch any piercings! So thats the history covered, lol.

Stretching your septum, is much like stretching another piercing. Except, the time differences between stretching, and the pain. It doesn’t hurt a whole lot more, but the only way I can describe it, is that it’s almost like a grinding pain. Due to your septum being pierced in the fleshy bit, not the cartilage, you’ll find it rubs against it and dents it as you get bigger. So, if you have a small fleshy bit, then bigger stretches are going to be harder. I myself can’t get past a 10g. Don’t know why, but doesn’t matter if I use tapers, pull on it, or even ask it nicely, it just will not go above a 10g. I probably could get an 8g in. But i’m not stupid and I will listen to my body. Its fine, I don’t want a big septum anyway, as far as i’m concerned my nose is big enough.

So, some places you can get your septum scalpeld, but not very many places will attempt it. Some will pierce with a large gauge needle, some places just generally will pierce it with a 14g (1.6) and leave it at that. Stretching the septum is generally pretty awkward, and you have to be ready to push a taper nearly the entire way through. You can’t exactly walk around with a huge taper sticking half way out your nose. BUT, there are several tools you can use to stretch your septum. jewellery called, “Claws”:

Beautiful isn’t it? These act like tapers, but are far more convenient, and are intentionally meant for the septum wearer. Generally, they only stick out a little bit, so it just looks like you have a few nose hairs. Attractive. These “claws” come in all sizes, and will generally get you up to an 00g pretty easily. But as I said, you gotta take it easy, and listen to your body. If you try stretching your septum, and it’s not ready, you will know! You will most likely shed a few tears, and have a sneezing fit.


My experience of this, is minimal. And is generally what I read. Cartilage piercings, look great in the Conch, in the flats of the ears, and sometimes where industrials, or just regular cartilage piercings are. See below:

The tunnel at the top, is a stretched conch. Its one of my favourite cartilage piercings. There are more methods involved in getting this done, and one of the most favourable, is the dermal punch. This involves taking a “sterilised hole punch” to the ear, and punching it straight through the ear leaving a visible hole.

It’s graphic, and its sure as hell looks painful. But its the quickest way to a hole :). Stretching it, you just go the normal taper method, and in time because of the weight of the jewellery and the placement in the ear, it’ll stretch over time, so i’m told.


Posted in Site Updates with tags on November 28, 2009 by Roger Adams

Thank you to all donators, you’ve helped me raise £12. May not seem like a lot but every little helps, honestly. Thanks you.

Stretching Your Lip

Posted in Stretching with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 27, 2009 by Roger Adams

If you’ve watched my videos at all, you will know I have a stretched Labret. Mine sits at around 00g, which is about 10mm.

Stretching a labret, is a little bit more involved than stretching an ear. It is alot more taboo, it is alot more in your face (if you excuse the pun). So certainly making sure it is what you want before setting off will leave you in a good frame.

So, how do you do it? Well, its not like you can walk around with a taper hanging out of your mouth is it? So, its almost the same in certain traditions, but you have to edit the rules slightly.

I started by getting mine pierced straight to an 8g. Hurt like hell, made my toes curl, but it eliminated the original and first stage shitty stretches. You can also get it scalpelled,  pierced and stretched, or dermal punched. Scalpelling is good, if you want to get a big size instantly, but obviously you’ve got the pain threshold thing again. Pierced and stretched is what I got, and as I said it was pretty painful, dermal punching is normally for cartilidge piercings, and the best way to think of it is, its a surgical hole punch. Does exactly what it needs to, and it’ll put a hole instantly through your lip, or any part it touches.

Right, so you have your lovely freshly pierced hole, how long do you wait? Lips are a little bit different, they’re used ALL the time, every day, even when you’re asleep. I waited nearly 8mths before stretching mine, but I have to say, when I did do the initial stretch, it was incredibly easy. I’d say if you went with the more permanent options of punching and scalpel, then i’d wait nearly a year as the healing times is so much more due to the ferocity of the method used.

So, HOW do you stretch a lip piercing? I assume this works on Medusa (philtrums), Snakebites, cheeks etc..

Say you’re starting at your baby sizes of 14,16,12g then the best method I can recommend, is pull on them. Sounds crazy huh? But honestly, wear horseshoe style rings, or Ball Closure Rings, and pull at them. This will eventually start making the lip loosen up. Don’t buy externally threaded jewellery when stretching lips, as it can tear the hole, and having a swollen lip with piercings in it is uncomfortable as hell. Internally threaded jewellery is more expensive but much much better for the release of your piercing.

When I stretched my snakebites (R.I.P) I went from 1.6mm to 2mm fairly easily. Same from 2mm > 2.4mm was easy enough. But that initial stretch to 3.0mm was hard. As it went from being a .4mm stretch, to a .6mm stretch. Doesn’t sound like alot, but when you think of the increase of the hole in % its huge. Its nearly a 35% increase in the diameter of the hole. The method I used was dead stretching, which again if you go back to the first post, is the use of jewellery to increase the size of the diameter, basically pushing through bigger jewellery. You can get labret studs upto about 8g I believe. And then you may have to goto glass, or septum bullets. I’ll post images below of appropriate lip related jewellery.

I hope this information helped a bit!

And finally

What else can you stretch?

Posted in Site Updates with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 26, 2009 by Roger Adams

Some people may not realise that you can infact stretch other piercings. Some are more common place, and some because of the size they get to are considered extreme.

So, what can you stretch?

  • Lips – Snakebites, centre, medusa, lowbrets
  • Ears – Not just lobes, cartilidge, conch, tragus
  • Septum – Yup, some very large septum piercings out there
  • Nostrils – Some of the biggest nostril piercings in the world are over 1 3/4″
  • Cheeks
  • Testicles
  • Penis
  • Labia, outer hood
  • Belly button

Plus lots more. Some images attached below, I didn’t ask for permission, but if anyone has any problem with the image being shown, please email me and i’ll take it down

I’ll go into more details about stretching said piercings in the next update.