Archive for painful

Stretching Septums, and Cartilage.

Posted in Stretching with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 2, 2009 by Roger Adams

Now, I have no experience in stretching cartilage piercings, but I do have some experience with stretching septums. So, most of the cartilage information is stuff i’ve picked up from other tutorials, and friends who have stretched. You may ask why? Well, there isn’t really a definite reason as to WHY you would stretch cartilage piercings, but theres no real reason why you’d stretch any piercings! So thats the history covered, lol.

Stretching your septum, is much like stretching another piercing. Except, the time differences between stretching, and the pain. It doesn’t hurt a whole lot more, but the only way I can describe it, is that it’s almost like a grinding pain. Due to your septum being pierced in the fleshy bit, not the cartilage, you’ll find it rubs against it and dents it as you get bigger. So, if you have a small fleshy bit, then bigger stretches are going to be harder. I myself can’t get past a 10g. Don’t know why, but doesn’t matter if I use tapers, pull on it, or even ask it nicely, it just will not go above a 10g. I probably could get an 8g in. But i’m not stupid and I will listen to my body. Its fine, I don’t want a big septum anyway, as far as i’m concerned my nose is big enough.

So, some places you can get your septum scalpeld, but not very many places will attempt it. Some will pierce with a large gauge needle, some places just generally will pierce it with a 14g (1.6) and leave it at that. Stretching the septum is generally pretty awkward, and you have to be ready to push a taper nearly the entire way through. You can’t exactly walk around with a huge taper sticking half way out your nose. BUT, there are several tools you can use to stretch your septum. jewellery called, “Claws”:

Beautiful isn’t it? These act like tapers, but are far more convenient, and are intentionally meant for the septum wearer. Generally, they only stick out a little bit, so it just looks like you have a few nose hairs. Attractive. These “claws” come in all sizes, and will generally get you up to an 00g pretty easily. But as I said, you gotta take it easy, and listen to your body. If you try stretching your septum, and it’s not ready, you will know! You will most likely shed a few tears, and have a sneezing fit.


My experience of this, is minimal. And is generally what I read. Cartilage piercings, look great in the Conch, in the flats of the ears, and sometimes where industrials, or just regular cartilage piercings are. See below:

The tunnel at the top, is a stretched conch. Its one of my favourite cartilage piercings. There are more methods involved in getting this done, and one of the most favourable, is the dermal punch. This involves taking a “sterilised hole punch” to the ear, and punching it straight through the ear leaving a visible hole.

It’s graphic, and its sure as hell looks painful. But its the quickest way to a hole :). Stretching it, you just go the normal taper method, and in time because of the weight of the jewellery and the placement in the ear, it’ll stretch over time, so i’m told.